Thursday, July 22, 2010

Work out challenged!

Ok so you may have guessed it by the title, I did not go to the gym last night  I also will not be going tonight because I have a meeting to work on planning my 10 year high school reunion! I know ridiculous right 10 years?!?!? How did that happen? I just can’t seem to get my butt in gear this week. You would think the dread of seeing ex-class mates (some of which have yet to grow up and suggested that they wear their cheerleading outfits to the reunion….really!?!) would motivate me to put the pedal to the metal. I really do love working out and how good I feel after…..why can’t I have the same feeling before? Instead of the “my ass is in love with the couch” feeling? So in efforts to be mentally and physically healthy I am trying to focus on the small victories and not dwell on the not so victorious (although you have to recognize miss-steps or you will fall down the stairs……one of my specialties figuratively and literally). So in the endeavor of my heart being happy as well, I will say that yesterday was a great day even without the exercise. Today is also full of triumphs. The first being only tasting the delicious mousse they were testing in the kitchen…..really I only took one bite! The second involves a phone call and me saying no to an ice cream delivery……..this was seriously hard, free hand delivered ice cream….I must be sick or something (the fat kid inside me hates me right now). Now there is the challenge of tonight. We are meeting at 4th Street Bar & Grill and its ladies night! 1/2price drinks! I smell trouble!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oh Blueberries!!

So last night did not go as planned. I did not go to the gymbo. Instead I decided to go to the store to get fruit and veggies which I was out of.....hooray good for me right? Well kinda.....I also decided to make blueberry jalapeno jelly that turned out so delicious my roomie and I pulled a Joey(from friends) and ate a half jar of jelly! Whoops! However despite the fat kid moment and couch potato tendency(we watched a movie too, Book of Eli, very good) it was a really good night for my mental health. I haven't had much time with my roomie lately and it was nice to bitch and moan about life. Today has gone much better, I have yet to have a FKM(fat kid moment). I think I will make it out of my office without one if that damn tray of creme brule would quit calling my name.....just turn the music up a little louder and drink my strawberry lemonade sparking's just as delicious right? right???? So with a good morning/afternoon under my belt I have the best of intent to go work off a small part of my booty at the gym. Will she do it???? Tune in tomorrow to find out :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Adventure

So I thought I would start a blog to help motivate me in my weight loss. Lately my motivation has been less than stellar. The sad truth is that I am eating crème brule as I type this! I work for a food broker where we have delicious free food all the time and I’m a fat kid who cannot help herself. I started nutrisystem about a month ago and have yet to lose weight due to eating copious amounts of non program food. I really want to stick to the program because I know it will slenderize me. I have already lost close to 40lbs (not on nutrisystem) but still have a long way to go. It gets very discouraging to work so hard and lose 40lbs, only to find out your still a fat kid! Well I think me telling the world about this adventure may help keep me on the straight and narrow. So my goal is to blog every day and to disclose everything. Today I have been grumpy and irritated, hence the crème brule, which only left me feeling fat and more irritated that I can’t say no to myself. Hopefully the gym tonight will help improve my mood. Now to get through the rest of the day with no more fat kid moments!