Much as I dislike the return of copious amounts of rain, I love the fall season! This does however make it harder to get motivated to workout. Not as many opportunities for it either, like very limited urban hiking and other outdoor activities. Thank goodness I have a gym membership. Although it is very tempting to curl up in a blanket on the couch and drink warm spiced apple cider. But I do need to get my booty into gear this week as last week I was only able to get in 7 miles due to a cold. Boo for colds. I have 2.5 under my belt for this week, did a quick workout on Tuesday. Last night I intended to do 4 miles but got home to discover that I forgot to put my gym clothes in the dryer after the wash. So tonight it is, 4 miles. I also plan on baking some delicious fallish healthy muffins. I will post pics and the recipe tonight. I will also let you know if they are any good, I got the recipe form a co-worker. I am looking forward to new shows on the TV. Last night was the season premiere of one of my favorite shows, modern family. Season premiere week this and next. Did I mention I love fall????